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ID: HR19-6

Presenting author: Faustino (Tino) Fuentes

Presenting author biography:

Tino Fuentes is a Harm Reduction consultant from the United States. A native New Yorker. I sold and used drugs, I've been incarcerated, stigmatized, profiled, but I still continue to fight for drug user rights. No one should have to die just because they use drugs.

Grass Roots drug checking for fentanyl with urine test strips

Faustino (Tino) Fuentes

Tino Fuentes will speak about the early days of grassroots fentanyl testing efforts among people who use drugs in New York City. Mr. Fuentes will explain particular challenges related to fentanyl overdose and the push for expanding fentanyl test strips within the New York City Department of Health and at Syringe Access Programs across the country. He will also speak to issues around drug testing access, price, and policy. Mr. Fuentes is a drug testing advocate and is responsible for expanding fentanyl test strip use in communities of people who use drugs including but not limited to New York City, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Florida, Michigan, Indiana, Ireland, and France.