Harm reduction interventions are low cost but have remarkably high impact, keeping HIV infection rates low among people who inject drugs and saving lives and healthcare costs. Yet many countries still do not provide harm reduction and global funding for it amounts to just $160 million – only 7% of what is needed.
By contrast, each year governments spend over $100 billion waging an ineffective war on drugs. In March at the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, Harm Reduction International and partners launched a new campaign, 10 by 20, calling on governments to redirect 10% of the resources that they currently spend on drug control to lifesaving harm reduction services such as needle and syringe exchange and opioid substitution therapy.
At Harm Reduction 2015, delegates will have the chance to take part in this exciting new campaign, and to explore how they can support 10 by 20, especially in the build up to next April’s UN General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on Drugs.
Join us in Malaysia to:
- Hear from speakers on the funding crisis facing harm reduction, and the impact 10 by 20 could have
- Take part in a global day of action calling on governments to redirect resources from the war on drugs
- Get involved in workshops and dialogues looking at ways to bring 10 by 20 to your national advocacy.
Look out for more details in the conference programme. Looking forward to seeing you in Kuala Lumpur!