Lynn M. Paltrow, J.D., is the Founder and Executive Director of National Advocates for Pregnant Women (NAPW). Ms. Paltrow is a graduate of Cornell University and New York University School of Law. As Executive Director of NAPW, Ms. Paltrow combines legal advocacy, public education, organizing, and research to secure the human and civil rights, health and welfare of all women. NAPW’s work particularly advocates on behalf of people who are pregnant and parenting and whose race, class, or drug use makes them vulnerable to state control and punishment.
She is a frequent guest lecturer and writer for popular press, law reviews, and other scholarly venues. Ms. Paltrow has received numerous honors including the Drug Policy Alliance’s Justice Gerald Le Dain Award for Achievement in the Field of Law, and the National Women’s Health Network’s Barbara Seaman Award for Activism in Women's Health.