An oral presentation is the standard conference presentation. It may be selected as part of a themed major or concurrent session. Each presentation is strictly limited to 12 minutes in order to ensure adequate time for questions and contributions from the audience. You will have PowerPoint projection available to you for your presentation.
Posters are ideal for current projects which are either at the proposal stage or are work in progress; for data best displayed visually and for those whose English or Portuguese may not be up to scratch.
At the conference, all poster presenters are given a large pinboard or equivalent presentation opportunity to put up material describing their work for one day. A dedicated time slot is reserved for all poster presenters to be available at their pinboard and discuss their work with interested parties.
Dialogue Space
The Dialogue Space is situated at the heart of the conference, within the Exhibition Area. The Dialogue Space is designed to be an interactive space where people can discuss concepts and learn from each other’s experiences. Presentations should be short (maximum 10 minutes) and should stimulate feedback, discussion and debate. There is no PowerPoint or screen in the Dialogue Space.
There are very few Dialogue Space slots available. Abstracts that do not fit this specification will not be considered.
Workshops are highly interactive sessions, and can be considered more like training sessions. A workshop is designed to teach something or develop a specific skill while an oral presentation is about presenting original research and getting feedback from peers. A workshop doesn't necessarily have to present original research; it is directed more towards teaching and learning in an interactive environment. All abstracts submitted for workshops should include learning objectives.
There are very few Workshop slots available. Abstracts that do not fit this specification will not be considered.
Please Note
HR19 operates a ‘rule of one’. This means that a conference delegate may present only one paper during the conference.